The Croatian National Bank has joined the testing community for the use of the Ulpian application, registered through the CNB Innovation Hub. The application, which is provided by the company Ulpian AI d.o.o., serves as a tool for searching through national and EU legislation in the Croatian language and for obtaining answers to legal queries in the area of banking and payment services through advanced algorithmic solutions (artificial intelligence).
Within the testing community, CNB experts will use the application as an auxiliary tool for searching through legislation and finding answers to particular legal queries in the area of banking and payment services. At the same time, they will evaluate the application and assess the quality of answers obtained.
"Proces uvođenja eura u Hrvatskoj bio je zahtjevniji nego u slučaju država koje su ga započele prije svjetske financijske krize, a uspješan prelazak na euro odraz je pravodobnog i iscrpnog planiranja te predanog rada svih dionika" rekla je Ana Šabić, direktorica Direkcije za europske odnose na konferenciji F2 – Future of Fintech koja se održava 28. i 29. studenoga 2023. u organizaciji časopisa Bug.
The views and opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the CNB
Linardo Martinčević, FinTech koordinator u Hrvatskoj narodnoj banci, sudjelovao je danas na međunarodnoj znanstvenoj konferenciji u organizaciji Ekonomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu pod nazivom "Technology, Innovation and Stability: New Directions in Finance (TINFIN)". Tijekom panel rasprave "FinTech in 2022 and beyond: Possibilities and new regulatory challenges" on je predstavio dosadašnja iskustva u radu regulatorno-inovacijskog huba HNB-a te se osvrnuo na aktualnosti u vezi donošenja regulatornog okvira za kriptoimovinu u EU, kao i na napredak na području razvoja centralnobankarskog digitalnog novca Europske središnje banke (projekt digitalnog eura).
"FinTech danas i sutra" naziv je predavanja kojeg je u četvrtak, 13. svibnja 2021., na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu održao Linardo Martinčević, FinTech koordinator u Hrvatskoj narodnoj banci. Predavanje za studente je održano unutar nastavnog plana kolegija "Poslovna strategija" u okviru diplomskog studija, a glavne teme su se odnosile na razvoj i djelovanje Inovacijskog huba u HNB-u te na najave izdavanja centralnobankarskog digitalnog novca (Central Bank Digital Currency, CBDC).
Central bank digital currency (hereinafter: CBDC) has become one of the most popular economic topics among central banks, international institutions, the academic community and market participants in recent years. However, though many central banks are exploring or testing the CBDC, there is still no CBDC in practice.
Na panelu "Kad ćemo se riješiti gotovine i zašto nikada?" održanom u sklopu konferencije " F2 - Future of Fintech konferencija" Linardo Martinčević, savjetnik u Direkciji za odnose s međunarodnim financijskim institucijama, uvodno je iznio recentne platne trendove u zemlji.
Središnje banke, kao regulatori, pomno prate što se događa s digitalizacijom novca koja je u rukama privatnog sektora, istaknuo je guverner Boris Vujčić na konferenciji Shift Money 2020 koja se održava 7. i 8. prosinca 2020. u Zagrebu.
Deputy Governor Švaljek participated in a round table discussing the need to attain adequate balance between innovations in the financial sector and the management of risks arising from digital transformation.
The factsheet "Key tips to protect yourself when choosing online or mobile banking services" provides recommendations on actual steps consumers should take when concluding an agreement for a particular online or mobile banking service.
Licensing is a part of supervision of credit institutions which consists of issuing authorisations and approvals for the operation of credit institutions and credit unions.
The Croatian National Bank carries out the licensing process for the purpose of issuing authorisations for the provision of payment services, the issuance of electronic money, the operation of the payment system, the conduct of exchange transactions by authorised exchange offices and the entry in the relevant register kept with the Croatian National Bank.
The EU's financial regulations should meet the so-called 3F criteria: be fair, flexible and forward-looking, said Martina Drvar, the Vicegovernor of the Croatian National Bank, at the panel discussion on the future of financial sector regulations.