A record number of primary school, secondary school and university students, teachers and other persons interested in its work visited the Croatian National Bank in 2018, as many as 3369.
The tasks falling within the competence of Croatia's central bank were explained to 154 primary school students, 2323 secondary school students and 769 university students from the country and abroad. The CNB's employees also held lectures for other interested persons: teachers of secondary schools that provide secondary school degrees in economics, engineers and 123 students of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. The CNB was visited by primary school students from 29 Croatian cities and its tasks and operations, the direction of its operations, especially of its monetary policy, were explained to secondary school and university students from as many as 20 countries.
The rising interest in the work of the central bank is best illustrated by the growing number of participants in the CNB's lectures, which increases every year by almost 700 participants. In 2017, the central bank's lectures were attended by 2700 primary, secondary and university students, up from 2016 when their number slightly exceeded 2000.
The Croatian National Bank will remain dedicated to educating Croatia's youth and other interested persons on the topics within its competence. For detailed information on different topics, schedules and manner of applying for lectures and seminars held at the CNB please contact the CNB's Public Relations Department at info@hnb.hr or by phone at +385 1 45 64 576.