The Croatian National Bank will exchange, free of charge, kuna banknotes without a time limit and kuna coins until 31 December 2025. The maximum amount of up to HRK 14,999.99 can also be submitted for exchange via postal services, at own risk, indicating the information on the preferred manner of receipt of euro cash (at the Croatian National Bank or by delivery through a postal service to the bearer's address).
Kuna cash can be submitted for exchange directly at the Croatian National Bank, Jurišićeva 17, Zagreb, from 8.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m., Monday to Friday
The Croatian National Bank replaces genuine damaged euro banknotes, euro banknotes stained by an electrochemical protection device and whole unfit euro coins as determined by the Decision on the control of authenticity and fitness checking of euro cash (Official Gazette 150/2024).
Exchange of kuna cash for euro cash
As of 1 January 2024, kuna cash can be exchanged for euro cash only at the Croatian National Bank. The exchange of kuna cash for euro cash is carried out by applying the fixed conversion rate (1 euro = 7.53450 kuna) and in accordance with the rules on the conversion and rounding referred to in the Act on the Introduction of the Euro as the Official Currency in the Republic of Croatia (Official Gazette 57/2022 and 88/2022).
Kuna cash may be submitted for exchange directly at the Croatian National Bank, Jurišićeva 17, Zagreb, from 8.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m., Monday to Friday or via postal services to the following address:
Hrvatska narodna banka
Direkcija za pohranu, obradu i opskrbu gotovim novcem
Trg hrvatskih velikana 3
10000 Zagreb
Up to HRK 15,000.00 (that is, maximum HRK 14,999.99) may be submitted for exchange via postal services, at own risk. The Croatian National Bank will not exchange the received kuna cash in an amount equal to or exceeding HRK 15,000.00, which has been submitted via a postal service, but will hold it until the bearer contacts the Croatian National Bank in person.
The Croatian National Bank provides for the exchange of kuna cash in person at the Croatian National Bank and, up to the amount of HRK 15,000.00, through postal services at senders' own risk. In order to avoid any inconvenience for the sender and the Croatian National Bank, it is recommended that deliveries from abroad be sent as insured items in an insured letter, or be submitted in person at the seat of the Croatian National Bank.
When more than 50% of the surface area of a genuine kuna banknote, a kuna banknote without any visible signs of damage or staining and whole kuna coins, recognisable from the obverse and the reverse, are submitted for exchange via a postal service, the following should be submitted at the same time:
- name and surname/name of the legal person, residence (city, street and number), telephone number and e-mail address of the bearer; and
- information on the preferred manner of receipt of euro cash (in person at the cash desk in the official premises of the Croatian National Bank, or by delivery through a postal service to the bearer’s address).
When the following is submitted for exchange via a postal service:
- a kuna banknote with 50% or less than 50% of the surface area of the whole banknote;
- a stained kuna banknote;
- a kuna coin that is not whole or it is unrecognisable from the obverse or the reverse;
- a soiled kuna banknote or coin suspected to present a risk to health and safety due to soiling,
also to be enclosed is the Application for the exchange of kuna cash with the relevant attachments and information on the manner in which the damage to kuna cash took place, as well as a certificate of a health and safety assessment by the competent authorities on the type of soiling when soiled kuna cash is presented for exchange.
Where 50% or less than 50% of the surface area of a whole genuine banknote is submitted for exchange, also to be submitted is:
- a written confirmation from the competent institution, for example, the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia (hereinafter referred to as 'MUP RC'), proving the occurrence of a force majeure event which led to the destruction of the missing parts of the kuna banknote; or
- information supporting the bearer's allegations on the manner in which the damage to the banknote occurred.
When submitting for exchange kuna banknotes stained by an electrochemical protection device, the bearer/sender has to make sure that the submitted banknotes are dry and packed in a plastic security bag with a clearly visible sign indicating that the bag contains a banknote stained by an electrochemical protection device. Together with the stained banknotes, the bearer should also submit:
- a written confirmation from MUP RC regarding the event that caused the damage and a safety data sheet of the ink used by the electrochemical security system that caused kuna banknote staining; or
- a record, statement or other document proving that the damage occurred due to a technical malfunction of the security container or improper handling of the security container and a safety data sheet of the ink used by the electrochemical security system that caused kuna banknote staining.
The Croatian National Bank will establish whether the conditions for the exchange are met no later than within 60 (sixty) days of the date when kuna cash is submitted for exchange.
Handling large deliveries of kuna cash
If you intend to present directly for exchange kuna cash in an amount equal to or exceeding HRK 40,000.00 (forty thousand) or a number of coins exceeding 1,000 (one thousand) pieces, your arrival, the amount of kuna cash and the number of kuna coins intended for exchange should be announced in advance to e-mail address:
Exceptionally, if e-mail communication is not possible, the delivery of kuna cash for exchange should be announced by phone at 01/4702-150 and 01/4702-151.
In case of large deliveries submitted through a company specialised in cash operations, the bearer should indicate the following in the announcement:
- name and surname/name of the legal person (from a court or another competent register);
- personal identification number (OIB), or for persons who do not have a personal identification number, the place, date, month and year of birth;
- residence or head office of the legal person (country, city, street and number);
- telephone number;
- e-mail address (if any);
- specification of kuna cash that is planned to be delivered;
- information on how the cash will be packaged;
- planned date of delivery;
- health and safety assessment by competent authorities demonstrating that cash does not pose a risk to human health and safety.
A company specialised in cash operations should indicate the following in the announcement:
- information on the vehicle (type of vehicle and registration plates); and
- name and surname, number and type of identification document of the persons escorting the vehicle.
The Croatian National Bank may request additional information on the bearer or the bearer’s authorised person, as follows:
- name and number of the identification document, country of issue;
- date, month and year of birth;
- citizenship;
- information on activity or occupation;
- source of cash that is submitted for exchange;
- proof of authorisation for representation/power of attorney, where the bearer presents cash for exchange through a legal representative or proxy.
After all the required information is submitted, the Croatian National Bank will notify the bearer of a large delivery of kuna cash by e-mail about the approval or rejection of acceptance of the announced presentation or delivery of kuna cash for exchange.
If the delivery of kuna cash for exchange is approved, the Croatian National Bank will send an e-mail to the bearer indicating the following information:
- the euro equivalent value for the kuna cash presented or delivered according to the declared value;
- the possible time and date of receipt of kuna cash for exchange.
If the bearer agrees with the provided information, he/she should confirm it in a response to the received notification and present or deliver kuna cash in accordance with the received notification of the Croatian National Bank.
Following the receipt of kuna cash for exchange, the Croatian National Bank will determine whether the delivered kuna cash meets the conditions for exchange. If the kuna cash meets the conditions for exchange, the Croatian National Bank will notify the bearer about the time of pickup of the euro cash.
In case of a delivery of kuna cash to the Croatian National Bank without a prior notice or without the explicit approval of the Croatian National Bank, the delivery will not be accepted and will be returned to the sender at sender’s cost.
Replacement of unfit euro banknotes and coins
The Croatian National Bank replaces damaged euro banknotes when more than 50%, 50% or less than 50% of the genuine euro banknote is presented, if the person submitting such cash proves that the missing parts have been destroyed or that euro banknotes have been stained by an electrochemical protection device, or when whole genuine unfit euro coins are presented.
Additional conditions for the replacement of euro banknotes:
- when 50% or less than 50% of an euro banknote is presented for replacement, the applicant should submit the documentation proving the occurrence of a force majeure event which led to the destruction of the missing parts (e.g. a written confirmation from the competent institution, for example MUP RC) or a written statement describing the manner in which the banknote was destroyed and evidence supporting the allegations given in this statement;
- when doubt exists as to the applicant’s legal title to the euro banknotes, the applicant should provide proof of his/her identity, ownership or authorisation to submit euro banknotes for replacement;
- where doubt exists as to the authenticity of the euro banknotes, the applicant should provide proof of his/her identity;
- where ink-stained, contaminated or impregnated genuine euro banknotes are presented, the applicant should present a written explanation as to the kind of stain, contamination or impregnation.
The Croatian National Bank may refuse to replace euro coins unfit for circulation that have been altered either deliberately or by a process that could be reasonably expected to have the effect of altering them.
Euro cash can be submitted for replacement directly at the Croatian National Bank, Jurišićeva 17, Zagreb, from 8.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m., Monday to Friday.
Up to EUR 1,000.00 may be submitted for replacement via postal services to:
Hrvatska narodna banka
Direkcija za pohranu, obradu i opskrbu gotovim novcem
Trg hrvatskih velikana 3
10000 Zagreb
Where the cash received via postal services equals or exceeds EUR 1,000.00, the Croatian National Bank will not replace it but will keep it and notify the sender thereof.
An applicant submitting euro cash for replacement via a postal service should also enclose a completed Application for the exchange of euro cash and all available documentation supporting the information provided in the application.
An applicant intending to have euro cash replaced in an amount equalling or exceeding EUR 5,000.00 or to exchange 1,000.00 or more pieces of coins shall announce the arrival and the amount of euro cash that he/she intends to have replaced to email address:
The Croatian National Bank will not replace deliberately damaged euro banknotes and euro coins.
In addition to the Croatian National Bank, damaged euro banknotes and unfit euro coins can also be replaced in some commercial banks or in central banks of the euro area countries. For details on the conditions, procedure and a potential fee, visit the central banks’ websites.
Replacement of euro banknotes damaged by anti-theft devices
In case of genuine euro banknotes damaged by anti-theft devices, the applicant has to provide a written statement specifying the cause of the damage.
Genuine euro banknotes that have been damaged by anti-theft devices in an attempted or actual robbery, theft, or other criminal activity can be replaced only at the request of the owner (or otherwise authorised applicant) who was the victim of the attempted or actual criminal activity leading to the damage to the banknotes. The applicant has to provide a written statement specifying the cause of the damage and a safety data sheet of the ink used by the electrochemical security system that stained the banknote, as well as information about the person presenting the damaged euro banknotes and the date on which they were presented.
Persons handling cash and submitting for replacement banknotes damaged as a result of electrochemical protection or in other way damaged as evidenced by an official document from the Ministry of the Interior, may receive the replaced cash only by payment into account.
Genuine euro banknotes that have been damaged in bulk due to the activation of an anti-theft device must be presented in sets of 100 euro banknotes, provided that the amount of euro banknotes presented is sufficient to form such sets.
Where the applicant submits for replacement damaged genuine euro banknotes in the value of a minimum of EUR 10,000 or more, the Croatian National Bank will act in accordance with the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act (Official Gazette 108/2017, 39/2019 and 151/2022).
Fees for the replacement of genuine euro banknotes damaged by anti-theft devices
The Croatian National Bank and the central banks of the countries whose currency is the euro charge a fee for the analysis and replacement of euro banknotes damaged by anti-theft devices, as governed by the Decision of the European Central Bank on the denominations, specifications, reproduction, exchange and withdrawal of euro banknotes (recast, ECB/2013/10).
The fee amounts to 10 euro cent per damaged euro banknote and it is charged only if at least 100 damaged euro banknotes are replaced. The fee is charged for all replaced euro banknotes.
The Croatian National Bank will charge no fee if euro banknotes have been damaged as a result of an attempted or actual robbery, theft or other criminal activity.
Fees for the replacement of unfit euro coins
In accordance with Article 9 of Regulation (EU) No 1210/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 December 2010 concerning authentication of euro coins and handling of euro coins unfit for circulation, the Croatian National Bank will charge a fee for the processing of unfit euro coins by withholding
- 5% of the nominal value of the submitted unfit euro coins from the reimbursement or the replacement of those euro coins, and by
- supplementing the fee referred to in item (1) by an additional 15% fee of the nominal value of the nominal value of the submitted euro coins in the event that the check of the entire bag or box of submitted unfit euro coins establishes irregularities or deviations from Article 10 Regulation (EU) No 1210/2010.
By way of derogation from the above provision, the Croatian National Bank will not charge a fee for analysing euro coins
- where less than 1,000 (a thousand) pieces of euro coins are submitted for replacement; and
- where the Croatian National Bank assesses that this is in the public interest.
It will also exempt the judiciary authorities, the Customs Administration of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of the Interior from paying this fee.
For further information on cash replacement, please contact
Where can damaged foreign cash be replaced?
The procedure for the replacement of damaged foreign cash can be initiated at the central bank of the country that has issued the foreign currency in question or, in the case of damaged coins, with the issuer of the foreign currency coins in case of issuer other than the central bank. Some commercial banks in the Republic of Croatia and abroad also provide the service of replacement of individual damaged foreign currencies.